Create a new Account if this is your First Registration at FIITJEE.
Update your profile (If not done earlier) and proceed for online registration. You have following Test Fee Payment Options here.
1. Any Bank Credit / Debit Card or Net Banking.
2. NEFT / IMPS through Bank Portal / App / Branch.
3. Print a challan and deposit in person with Test Fee in Cash / through DD or Pay Order to your nearest FIITJEE Centre.
Once your payment is successful, you can download the Hall ticket from the same online portal.
For Students who had Registered for a FIITJEE Test in the Past :
Students should register with the same user ID & Password at as allocated to them for the previous test or add their previous Registration Number to their Online Account using Registration Number & Web Access code / Student ID (SID) of the previous test (whichever is applicable).
Registration through Mobile
This process is similar to that of Online Registration.
Note : You can also visit the nearest FIITJEE Centre to register for the Exam.